Indoor Air Quality Aromatherapy Advantages How
it Works
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With Dr. Berger great invention of the catalytic burner, which is the most
important unit of the Lampe Berger diffuser, combustion is maintained at a
constant temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, allowing essential oil to be
completely dispersed in the air and thus optimum performance is ensured.
(Limoges Porcelain)
3400 - RM1218
3415 - RM1381
3425 - RM787
3426 - RM787
3432 - RM1187
3433 - RM1262
3444 - RM1194
3446 - RM981
3448 - RM869
3455 - RM1000
3456 - RM1056
3457 - RM1119
3462 - RM1075
3463 - RM994
3465 - RM938
3469 - RM919
3472 - RM1294
3473 - RM763
5339 - RM750
5340 - RM918
5348 - RM1037
5350 - RM975
5353 - RM912
5452 - RM1350
Essential oil